Friday, July 01, 2005

Birthday girl!

Personal property of Carole Lee. May not be used without her permission.

Brett and Jason along the Ocoee River.

Personal property of Carole Lee. May not be used without her permission.

"River Tour Guide" Jason checking out this year's guides

Personal property of Carole Lee. May not be used without her permission.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Last Father's Day Brett, her husband Chris, Jason, and myself got together to hang out in Knoxville for the afternoon. We went to the park, and started the afternoon trying to fly some of my kites. Here's Chris, after crashing his kite

Jason and Brett discussing the finer points of frisbee tossing, with a view of the bluff and river behind them

Brett proves she can catch a frisbee!

But Chris shows us how it's REALLY done.

Brett, ever the thoughtful wife, shields Chris' face while he rests.

Jason, posing against Brett's favorite frisbee partner (lol)

And now, may I present, Doofus I and Doofus II? Check out the expressions and body language.... *they're gonna kill me for posting this pic!*

Poor Chris - trying to keep up with us Suxters wore him out. :-P What a great day!

Personal property of Carole Lee. May not be used without her permission.

I'm on a roll - these are some aquarium photos I took when my parents were visiting a few weeks ago. In case you're wondering - there's a butterfly room in the aquarium

butterflies eat too....

And now... a few more traditional aquarium pictures

I rather liked this picture too...

But this one is my absolute favorite...

Personal property of Carole Lee. May not be used without her permission.